Hello friends !!
Thank you for visting my blog.
Thank you for visting my blog.
I am Sindhu RaamKumar, the owner of this blog.
I am very much interested in cooking which brought me here. I have just started this blog and hope to continue it with time.
I am not very good at cooking , but have gained an interest only after marriage. I believe 'Variety is the spice of Life' ,so I keep trying new dishes now and then and keep experimenting.
The main person for all these experiments is my husband :) and he is very patient and is the main critic for all my dishes !!
This would be a purely vegetarian website purely without the use of eggs .
I'm little health conscious , so you would find my recipes with least oil or ghee sometimes without any seasoning also. Still you can try them with your versions :)
The recipes mentioned here would be either from my parents or in-laws or my friends and some of them would be from the internet itself.
I would like to give them all the credit to those respective people for these dishes.
Comments and suggestions are always welcome. I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to leave any comments or contact me at sindhuchandran@gmail.com
Thank you Once again. Have a Great Day :)
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